SS schütze parade 1938
  • SS schütze parade 1938

WW 015 SS schütze parade 1938


Painted 1:30 scale toy soldiers.

WWII Collection

Reference:  WW 015 SS schütze on parade 1938

Modeled,  cast and painted in our workshop

Made in Spain figures for collectors.

Own design models.


This Toy soldier represents a soldier SS during one of the habitual parades made in the period of between 1933-40. 

Like for example the large concentrations in Nuremberg. 

His uniform is completed with the model 1918 steel hull that was used in the last years of the Great War. 

Aunque desfila sin armas, sí lleva el resto del equipo, porta cargadores, zurrón, cantimplora y bayoneta, además de la mochila completa. 

Although parades unarmed, it does carry the rest of the equipment, cartridge, breadbad, canteen and bayonet, in addition to the complete backpack.

WW 015

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